This is a fortnightly informal singing group inspired by the fun we had at a Singing Workshop in 2016 to raise money for the restoration of Old Hamsey Church, a 1000 year old church and historic landmark, beloved by many in Hamsey, Lewes and beyond. The emphasis is mainly on singing for pleasure but there will be opportunities to sing in the church.
Everyone is welcome!
Hamsey Harmony is currently under the leadership of David Powell and all enquiries should be directed to him. 07973715034 or jimtuba@hotmail.com
Where? St Peter’s Church Hall, Offham BN7 3PX (opposite The Blacksmiths Arms pub)
When? Fortnightly Sundays 5.30-7.30pm starting July 18th 2021. Dates may be slightly different during the summer months as Hamsey Evensong is on the first Sunday of the month.
Dates July 18th (outside), Aug 8th, Aug 22nd, Sept 12th, Sept 26th, Oct 10th, Oct 24th and continuing fortnightly.
Cost? £6 drop-in, including tea and biscuits!